2018年11月12日,应太阳成集团新型微纳器件与系统技术重点学科实验室和光电技术及系统教育部重点实验室的邀请,澳门大学周冰朴老师访问suncitygroup太阳新城官网并于上午10时在微系统中心318会议室作学术讲座“Investigation and Application of Fluid Behaviors in Micro-scaled Surface and Interface”。报告由suncitygroup太阳新城官网李顺波老师主持。suncitygroup太阳新城官网、物理学院以及suncitygroup太阳新城官网其他相关学院的30余名师生听取了此次学术讲座。
Dr. Bingpu ZHOU received his B.S. (2008) and M.S. (2011) degrees from Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China. He got his PhD degree in the Nano Science and Technology Program from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) in January 2015. He was then employed as a post-doctoral visiting fellow in KAUST-HKUST Joint Microfluidics & Nanofluidics Laboratory, Department of Physics, HKUST. In 2016, he joined Institute of Applied Physics and Materials Engineering (IAPME) at University of Macau. The ZHOU’s research group mainly focuses on the study of micro-/nano-scaled fluid behavior, Bio-MEMS & Bio-Sensor, Surface & Interface Science, and Nano-plasmonics. He has published more than 30 papers in peer-reviewed journals including Lab on a Chip, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Journal of Materials Chemistry C.