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suncitygroup太阳新城官网陈江照研究员团队在Journal of Power Sources期刊上发表最新研究成果

发布时间:2021-07-05 阅读量:

近日,太阳成集团陈江照研究员团队在国际知名学术期刊Journal of Power SourcesTOP期刊)上发表题Interfacial gradient energy band alignment modulation via ion exchange reaction toward efficient and stable methylammonium-free Dion-Jacobson quasi-2D perovskite solar cells》的文章。相对于Ruddlesden–PopperRP)型二维钙钛矿Dion-Jacobson (DJ)型钙钛矿因为具有更好的结构稳定性、更好的载流子输运能力等优点而得到日益剧增的关注。过去报道的大多数二维钙钛矿均采用甲铵阳离子(MA+),MA+基钙钛矿常常表现出差的光、湿及热稳定性,阻碍了钙钛矿太阳能电池的商业化应用。在本工作中,我们通过原位离子交换反应实现梯度的溴掺杂,构筑了梯度的能带排列。首先,梯度能带排列促进载流子传输、提取和转移。其次,通过该策略改善了钙钛矿结晶和减少了薄膜缺陷密度。最后,溴的纳入增加了薄膜及器件的稳定性。结果,目标器件实现了16.75的效率,而对照器件的效率仅仅13.78%。抑制的体相和界面非辐射复合是器件性能提升的主要原因。未封装的器件在15-20%的相对湿度老化1600小时保持初始效率的93%,在60 °C老化400小时后保留初始效率的91%。该研究成果为钙钛矿太阳能电池的商业化奠定了坚实的基础。

Fig. 1. (a) Schematic illustration of preparation process of (BDA)FA4Pb5I16-xBrx with GBD formed via the ion exchange reaction between I and Br. (b) XRD patterns of the perovskite films without and with FABr posttreatment. (c) UV–vis absorption spectra and (d) band gap of the perovskite films without and with FABr treatment. (e) Energy level diagram of PSCs based on the control and target perovskite films. (f) Dark I–V curves of the devices with the structure of ITO/perovskite/Au and ITO/perovskite/FABr/Au.

1. 文献链接:Pengyu Su #, Le Bai#, Huan Bi, Baibai Liu, Shi Chen, Donghwa Lee, Hua Yang, Cong Chen*, Zhigang Zang, Jiangzhao Chen*. Interfacial gradient energy band alignment modulation via ion exchange reaction toward efficient and stable methylammonium-free Dion-Jacobson quasi-2D perovskite solar cells. Journal of Power Sources 2021, 506, 230213.